Rico’s Lechon

Rico’s Lechon started in the year 1995. Proprietor, Mr. Enrico V. Dionson, who didn’t have any experience with roasting, was once a “Kristo” (bet taker) at a sabong or cockpit. His earnings as a bet taker, cannot sustain his family’s needs, so he thought of a good business to start. While walking along a barbecue stall somewhere in the downtown area, it came into his mind about starting a lechon business .Somehow, he immediately started to cook and sell lechon, hoping that her wealthy friends would start buying one. He then begun to give away calling cards in the “sabongan”, accompanied by alluring words just to start an income. One after another, people started to call him, booked orders, and the process goes on until this day.

His big break came when a popular businessman by the name of Mr. Jojo Uy, called Mr. Rico and asked him about his lechon. He was then invited to attend a taste-test in one of the famous hotels here in Cebu. Not only he was invited, but three famous lechon owners were given a chance to be chosen to fly to Malacañang Palace, and cook 50 roasted pigs for the former President Joseph Estrada. Later that day, an unexpected call from Mr. Jojo Uy surprised Mr. Rico, telling him that he was specially chosen by former President Joseph Estrada to give him his masterpiece in Malacanang, so off he went!

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Tagged In cebu city,flipino food and rico's lechon

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