Kansilad Beach Resort

Imagine yourself travelling on Surigao del Sur’s hot, dusty and bumpy roads. You are tired, more than a bit thirsty, extremely bored and really itching to just be able to get out of your vehicle and stretch your legs. Then some four kilometers north of Lianga you see the turnoff, you make the turn then there it is.

A nice stretch of white beach, a restaurant, chalet-type accommodations and beach cottages, jet ski facilities, a function hall by the sea and a swimming pool set in the midst of green grass and landscaping. There is even a karaoke room and a pool table.

This is the Kansilad Beach Resort and for many locals and a lot of outsiders in the know, this is the place to go to get away from the stress of modern day living in the urban fast lane. Fun and relaxation are the keywords here and what is more fun than frolicking in the beach or the pool on a hot and sunny weekend. Or you can just lie in the sun or the shade, if you like, and just laze the day away while enjoying nature in its unspoiled splendor.

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Tagged In kansilad beach resort,lianga and surigao del sur

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